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Which game engines are supported?

Currently Unity is supported, but an Unreal version is in the works. Join the waitlist

Are there any graphics API requirements?

On Windows Vulkan, DX11 and OpenGL are supported. On Quest Vulkan and OpenGL is supported.


Any API and platform not listed is not supported, but we will re-evaluate based on developer feedback.

What are the specs of the video recording?

  • Videos are encoded using H.264.
  • Resolution, framerate and bitrate can be configured by the developer.


  • Resolution: 1920x1080
  • FPS: 60
  • Bitrate: 12582912

Quest 3

  • Resolution: 1920x1080
  • FPS: 60
  • Bitrate: 12582912

Quest 2

  • Resolution: 1280x720
  • FPS: 30
  • Bitrate: 5242880

How much does it cost?

Game Developers

Free to download and integrate.

Other Uses

Contact us at for a license

What's the impact on performance?

LCK is designed to be minimally impacting. However, LCK does trigger up to one additional render per game frame, so general good rendering practices will be important to keep the impact of LCK as low as possible.

As a developer you are also free to customize the rendering of the LCK cameras to apply project specific optimizations.

Which Unity render pipelines are supported?

Both URP and the Built-in renderer is supported.

Why is the video framerate lower than what I set?

LCK only does renders on game frame updates, so the video framerate can only ever be equal or lower than the game framerate. The video framerate you set can be considered the target video framerate.

Why are only specific Unity versions supported?

LCK depends on lower level graphics APIs that can change between even minor Unity versions, so we are are starting out with a list of supported versions and will expand as we QA in different versions.

See Supported Engines.

What gets captured in Mixed Reality Passthrough modes?

Passthrough footage is not available to application developers, and so it will not be included in the video. If you want to customize the visuals that are captured you can change the clear color of the LCK capture camera.

The video captured by LCK looks different to the in-game render?

LCK uses built Unity Cameras to perform renders, and so you have to make sure these are configured the same way as your player cameras if you want the output to look the same. Especially things like render layers to make sure the correct objects are visible, and the far clipping plane will be important to check.

I'm changing settings on the ServiceHelper but it has no effect on the videos captured?

There are capture settings directly on the tablet which are platform dependent. The LckServiceHelper does initialize the service with its settings, but they are overriden by the tablet. It's likely we will change the LckServiceHelper since this behaviour is not intuitive.

How do I get help or report an issue with the SDK?

You can get help or report issues on our Discord or through

Ask for features

We welcome your feedback and requests via Discord.