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Upgrade Guides

How to change LCK version

We recommend installing LCK by embedding the package folder tv.liv.lck in your Project/Packages folder as mentioned in the installation section, and have it be managed by your source control.


Always close the editor when upgrading or when switching LCK version via your project source control

Upgrading version should for the most part only require you to delete the tv.liv.lck folder already present in Packages and put in the newly downloaded version, however there are some things to note:

  • Close down the editor before swapping versions, even if you haven't pressed play yet. This is because LCK requires core libraries to be loaded on editor launch and Unity never unloads libraries while open. Upgrading while open will cause the upgrade to fail and could crash your editor.
  • This will wipe any custom changes you've made to LCK. For the most part we recommend you do not modify the LCK package directly, but rather create your own project local prefabs and variants based on LCK assets and scripts.

Version specific notes


12 February 2025

Tablet prefab

As of v1.2.0 LCK and the base tablet prefab no longer relies on XR Interaction Toolkit, but we instead provide a variant of the now interaction toolkit agnostic base tablet prefab for XR Interaction Toolkit and also one for Meta Interaction Framework.

  • If you want to continue using the tablet that relies on XR Interaction Toolkit no action is required.

Because of the XR Interaction Toolkit tablet is technically a new prefab it's likely that overrides to it's transform will reset, in the case where the tablet was placed directly in a scene

  • If you want to switch to the Meta version you will need to replace your tablet references.
  • You can also create a variant of the base tablet (with no input setup) and implement interaction how your project requires.

In general we recommend creating a project local variant of whatever prefab you use as your base, since this will make sure most tweaks you apply will survice LCK updates.


A new interface ILckAudioSource was added in v1.2.0. The audio mixer in LCK now receives audio from a component implementing this interface. By default it adds LckAudioCapture (which implements ILckAudioSource) to an AudioListener found in the scene, which will provide game audio when utilizing vanilla Unity Audio.

It is however possible to add your own component that implements ILckAudioSource to the GameObject with the AudioListener on it, and LCK will use this for game audio.

Since an AudioListener would only be present if you utilize Unity Audio in some capacity another alternative is to add the new LckAudioMarker component to whatever GameObject you would like LCK to check for an ILckAudioSource implementing component.